Lawn Fertilization Program with Weed Control Back to Services

Lush, healthy, weed free! TML Mowing has the right products and expert technicians to give you great results.
For a Healthy Lawn…
TML has University of Illinois Extension trained and State of Illinois licensed technicians that implement our Lawn Fertilization Program. It includes 5 rounds of dry granular fertilizer where each is formulated to provide the best health support for that particular time of year. Weeds are treated at no additional cost on an as needed basis.
TML also offers both preventative and curative treatments for insect and disease problems; namely grubs and summer patch. These optional applications are at additional cost.
Why five rounds?
This is a middle of the road approach. The ideal would be to apply 1/3 lb. nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. every two weeks. On the other hand, a minimal approach would give the lawn one heavy dose in the fall. The TML program applies 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. every 6 to 8 weeks. This approach, along with the use of slow-release formulations, gives a cost effective means to maintaining the health and beauty of your lawn throughout the entire growing season.
Since the weather and the growing habit of the grass changes throughout the year, what is applied should change as well. For example, during the summer the available nitrogen should be at lower levels. At the end of the season, with cooler weather and the grass being in root development mode, the lawn can make use of a heavy dose of nitrogen in that narrow window of time that is so crucial to the overall health of the lawn in the upcoming season.
Weed Control
TML uses a careful surveying method, spraying only where we find weeds. This approach minimizes the use of chemicals, lessening both environmental and human exposure. Although this takes more time, it is the more responsible way. Other companies are just starting to adopt this practice. TML, however, has been doing it all along. It should be noted that following our program for multiple seasons can lead to a level of health for your lawn that requires almost no chemical spraying. It is beauty in cruise mode.
The five visits per season also afford the opportunity to gain control of the full range of weeds: annual grassy weeds, as well as perennial, summer annual and winter annual weeds. If your weed campaign is only once a year, you will never get control of all the various weeds. Crabgrass needs to be treated in early spring, most perennials in mid spring and mid fall, summer annuals late spring and early summer, winter annuals in mid to late fall.
Round #1 Spring (late March-early April)
Our first application serves to promote an earlier green up and a thicker turf right from the start. Secondly, it also includes Dimension (0.10) which establishes a ground surface barrier that prevents the germination of crabgrass as well as some other weeds.
Round #2 Summer Prep (mid May-early June)
This application is formulated with a 25% XRT supplying a slow-release of nitrogen that lengthens the time of effectiveness and decreases the potential for burning as the summer temperatures kick in. Surveying, especially for perennial weeds, is crucial at this time because they are more easily controlled before the days get hotter.
Round #3 Summer Support (July)
Summer is the time your lawn gets most noticed with people being out of doors and walking the neighborhood more than any other time of year. It also gets the most abuse at this time, whether from playing kids, outdoor parties or from the merciless sun, heat and drought. So this application, with a 50% slow-release fertilizer, helps your lawn fight back with new growth and combined with a judicious watering routine can make your lawn one of the beauties of summer.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the fight is also against all those summer annual weeds. They love the sun and the heat and they will find water when your lawn has already given up. So if you let your lawn roll over and play dead in the summer, the purslane, knotweed and spurge will happily take over. We will counter this insurgence with our weed patrol.
Round #4 Autumn (late August-mid-September)
Autumn is the most important time of year for your lawn’s development. There is a natural change of focus in the growth cycle, namely less top growth and more root growth. So, this application maximizes this natural tendency to develop the root system in your lawn. It is important though, to make sure your lawn gets adequate water during this season, or it will be like being on the right road with no gas. So many times I have seen September and October looking as dry as summer. Your lawn should NOT turn brown in the fall. Keep it watered!
Round #5 Winter Prep (mid to late October)
Ah, yes! Cooler weather…your lawn loves it. There’s no heat stress and the ground more readily retains its moisture. It’s time to get ready for next Spring. Fertilizing now is used primarily for root development. Therefore, it’s the most valuable application of the whole year. These reserves for next spring will continue to be stockpiled till the ground freezes in late November or early December.
But, there are some intruders that show up about now, namely, chickweed and henbit; they like the cold. These winter annuals, that get started in the autumn, grow even under the snow at times. Next spring they will produce seed and die. TML will keep an eye out for them so they won’t even make it to winter!

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Ornamental Trees & Perennials Enhance the health and beauty of your landscape plantings with a spring feeding. This timely.

Lush, healthy, weed free! TML Mowing has the right products and expert technicians to give you great results. Request.